Believe & Do Good

“By the ˹passage of˺ time! Surely humanity is in loss, except those who believe, do good, and urge each other to the truth, and urge each other to perseverance.”
— The Noble Quran 103:1-3

What is BADG?

Allah swears by time - one of the most precious things we have - and expresses the importance of believing and doing good deeds in Surah 'Asr.

The Believe & Do Good campaign (BADG), is your opportunity to race towards good with the right intentions inshaAllah.

Random acts of kindness stalls, videos to the elderly, BADG homeless drives, blood donations, refugee panels, tafsir events, garden clean-ups and anonymous appreciation forms are some of the events we have had in past BADG campaigns - all amazing opportunities for making a difference.

BADG is a diverse and wide reaching campaign that shines a light on multiple important issues within our local community and is definitely not something to miss out on.